July 5, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Strong Yellow Pages Campaign

Leo Burnett here in Toronto have done a really strong job with their follow up to the 2012 Local Attack Campaign.

They've taken over some key out of home locations to create a really strong message that Yellow Pages can help you find things.

Now, I wont lie, I have not installed the app - and I'm likely not going to - Mostly because the past experiences with the YP have been rather poor. Nonetheless , I think the work and messaging is fun and playful - It's also really smart given how much work / copywriting went into each place, and ensuring the message was exactly right for each placement.

Well done!



June 6, 2014Comments are off for this post.

48:13 is almost here!

Kasabian's new album is almost about to be released.  Luckily - iTunes is already streaming it.  Like nearly all Kasabian albums,  it's not that every song is amazing.  There's a few I'm skipping over without issue - But there's a good solid 5, that are so freaking catchy.  It's a winning album in my opinion.

Stand out tracks so far include :

Bumblebeee, Stevie,  Doomsday, Treat, Clouds, Eez-Eh

June 1, 2014Comments are off for this post.

Getting a custom look and feel in OmniFocus 2

OmniFocus 2.0 came out just about 2 weeks ago and it's been such a nice update so far!   I think there are still a few things to tweak by the Omnigroup over the coming months; Namely the ability to move the checkmark over to the left, next to the start of the item / list.

If you're looking to customize it a bit, here are 2 little things I've already done to my setup!

Customized your Perspective Icons

Check out these icons by Josh Hughes and use them instead of some of the default perspective icons (and make your own perspectives with them in the pro version!)


Customize your sidebar

If you head into the Perspectives tab > show perspectives    if you click on the star next to a perspective, it will appear in your sidebar.

Pretty easy!  You can also edit the perspective icons in this window as well.

Screen Shot 2014-06-01 at 8.57.45 PM


June 1, 2014Comments are off for this post.

He’s Back in the Studio…

Finally,  Official confirmation of sorts, that Noel Gallagher is back recording a follow up to his first solo album ...  https://twitter.com/NoelGallagher/status/471987002397949953

February 8, 2014No Comments

Alf & Radioshack

Everyone saw the Radioshack commercial, where the 80's called - they want the store back.  But I don't thin many people noticed that they also released some individual spots online, including a minute long commercial with Alf, being shown a new cell phone and it's capabilities.  Check it out!

February 8, 2014No Comments

Travis Flashback

A few months back I'd posted this, but I watched it last evening and still find it awesome.   I'd also stubbled upon the making of, which just increases the coolness factor at how authentic this really is!

February 1, 2014No Comments

Black Submarine have arrived

Check out their new video for their lead single - Here so Rain.

Black Submarine are formed by the guitarist and bassist from one of my favourite bands,  The Verve.

vinyldust is mike lucas

vinyldust is mike lucas

vinyldust is mike lucas

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